Interview to Arturo Azcorra, Director, IMDEA Networks.

23 Oct 2008
ACM CoNEXT 2008 es un foro internacional fundamental para las futuras tecnologías de redes (“future networking technologies”). Anteriores ediciones de CoNEXT han promovido con éxito estudios originales, a largo plazo y han contribuido a la integración de la investigación en redes (“networks”) a nivel internacional. Este año la conferencia está organizada por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid e IMDEA Networks, y cuenta con el patrocinio de ACM SIGCOMM.
Enlace a texto completo en medio: Boletín Parque Científico UC3M

22 Oct 2008
IMDEA Networks has become a new member of the Spanish e-Science Network. E-Science aims to organize, coordinate and drive the development of scientific activity in Spain. It involves the collaborative use by various research groups of geographically distributed resources and infrastructure connected via the internet.

30 Sep 2008
Institute IMDEA Networks gains a stronger footing in its aim to impact the development of the Internet by becoming a RIPE NCC member. RIPE’s objective is to ensure the administrative and technical coordination necessary to enable the operation of the Internet globally. Within RIPE NCC, the Institute will support the infrastructure of the Internet through technical coordination in Europe, leading the way the Internet is managed, structured and governed.

23 Jun 2008
The future of our communication system worldwide lies in the development of the wireless Internet.

19 Jun 2008
El sexto mes del año acoge el Foro de Ciencia y Tecnología madri+d dedicado, en esta ocasión, a las Tecnologías de las Comunicaciones. El día 26 de junio tendrá lugar la Jornada Ciencia y Empresa que reunirá al sector académico y empresarial de esta área para que ambas partes nos proporcionen una visión de sus interrelaciones.
Enlace a texto completo en medio: madri+d

16 Jun 2008
5th June, 2008, the madri+d Forum on Communications Technologies was hosted by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). The conference, "The Role of Europe in Internet Governance", began with a presentation on the international research institute, IMDEA Networks, and was followed by a speech by Professor Jon Crowcroft, Marconi Professor in Systems Communications at the University of Cambridge.

16 Jun 2008
The future of our communication system worldwide lies in the development of the wireless Internet.

29 May 2008
The Madri+d Science and Technology Forum in June will focus on Communications Technologies, a field of unquestionable importance and appeal in a wide variety of industries thanks to its horizontality.

29 May 2008
The multinational organisation is encouraging the migration of the Internet to the IPv6 protocol in order to relieve the economic and social unceOECDrtainty that would cause a jam on the Web.